
Hygiene Pallets, also known as a hygienic pallet or a clean pallet, is a type of pallet that is specifically designed for applications where cleanliness and sanitation are important. These pallets are commonly used in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare.

Hygiene pallets are typically made from materials that are easy to clean and sanitize, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene (PP). They are constructed with smooth surfaces and rounded corners to minimize potential dirt traps and facilitate thorough cleaning.

The key features of hygiene pallets may include:

  1. Smooth surfaces: Hygiene pallets have smooth surfaces without crevices or cavities where dirt, moisture, or bacteria can accumulate.
  2. Easy-to-clean design: They are designed to be easily cleaned using standard cleaning methods, such as pressure washing, steam cleaning, or chemical cleaning.
  3. Resistant to moisture and chemicals: Hygiene pallets are typically resistant to moisture, chemicals, and certain cleaning agents to ensure they can be effectively sanitized without compromising their structural integrity.
  4. Compliance with hygiene standards: These pallets may adhere to specific hygiene standards and regulations set by industries or organizations, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States or the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) in Europe.
  5. Traceability: Some hygiene pallets may have tracking or identification features, such as barcodes or RFID tags, to enable efficient inventory management and traceability.

Hygiene pallets play a crucial role in maintaining product integrity, preventing cross-contamination, and meeting stringent hygiene requirements in industries where cleanliness is vital.

Export Pallet, An export pallet is a type of pallet specifically designed for international shipping and transportation of goods. These pallets are constructed to meet the requirements and regulations of various countries’ customs and shipping practices.

  1. Standardized size: Export pallets are typically available in standard sizes to ensure compatibility with shipping containers and maximize space utilization during transport. The most common sizes are 1200x1000mm.